Archive for January, 2018




My parents just sent out  the last mortgage payment on our house this week.  They’re  ecstatic. They now truly own the house, and there will be extra cash in their bank account  from now on.  However, there’s still another house they’re paying for, but no problem…. it’s being rented out  and therefore, it’s paying for itself.


I had an enlightening conversation with a co-worker from Afghanistan.  He said he had a hard time finding a job here in the US ( he used to work as an airplane mechanic at a US air base in Afghanistan ). He felt  that because he was a Muslim he was always viewed  as  potential terrorist.  He also joked about him coming from a  sh*thole country.  I blurted out , ”  Me, too ! ”  Then, I suddenly had a mental image of the city where I was born.  Hmmm,  is it really a sh*thole, or just a sh*thouse ?


Here’ s a video of  the capital city of  Manila, Philippines .  It doesn’t really look like a sh*thole , does it ?  But then, that’s just my humble opinion.



And why did HE build a Trump Tower in Manila , and plan to build another one at Clark City, Angeles, Pampanga,  about 4 hours from the metropolis , if he now thinks immigrants from terrorist countries, like the Philippines  are ” animals” ?  Yep, he did mention  the Philippines as one of the   terrorist countries.  Ha Ha Ha !   Who gave him that idiotic,  ridiculous  information ?


Below is the Trump Tower in Manila ( the one on the right )



About Clark City….. it used to be US’s Clark Air Force Base.  It was on lease from the Philippine government  for 99 years, the largest US base /territory outside of the US. When Mt. Pinatubo erupted, the whole base was covered with ash, and since the US was then downsizing all its  military bases outside the US,  the US government  decided to just  bail ,  without renewing the lease which was about to expire , instead of spending billions of dollars to clean up the base .  Now that the Philippine government  has started the conversion of the base to  a  modern, futuristic, green, city ,  we were all surprised to learn  that piece of US property was about 1/2 the size of Metro-Manila. They will also build an international airport to relieve the one in Manila which is already bursting at the seams.  In fact, there’s already an existing excellent international airport at Clark….. it was a US  airforce base, for Pete’s sake. The runway is so long and so well-made that it is actually an alternative landing runway for a space shuttle.


Now, for a bit of fun…..


There’s a town in Angeles near Clark  base named Sexmoan, I kid you not. Well, you know, where there are US soldiers  =  Red light district, strip bars, etc. You know what I mean.  But, that’s been its name for hundreds of years, Spanish colonial era, and it’s pronounced  Ses-mo-wan.  I’m guessing the origin is from Bilbao, Spain. When I was in Bilbao, I saw a lot of letter X in signboards over there.  ( Here I go again, I’m making theories,  he he he , but it makes sense, yeah ? Besides, the Philippines favorite chorizo/sausage is Chorizo de Bilbao…so,  there you go. ) ~_~


Okay, this is it for now.


Please check out my manga /anime/ video games blogsite  @     I have a new entry, RWBY, Penultimate Episode, Chapter 13.


Bye ! Thanks for reading. Peace.



This is not a political post, promise


If you ‘re not into politics, don’t worry,  this is not a political post, promise . But, please,  let me vent a little.     I have been hoping  THAT guy ( whose name I shall not utter )  will not  start a nuclear  war . That’s all.  Other than that, I can live a blissful life despite the nefarious existence of  this man     After all,  I believe  I’ve become inured to all the shenanigans that are going on at the White House. Regarding this man’s  remarks about  those immigrants who come from SHITHOLE  COUNTRIES ( and further said he’d rather get immigrants from Norway   ) I  am neither surprised nor outraged . This man is a gadawful racist, we all know that, but   I don’t blame him. I blame those who had enabled this man to be elected, and I’m not even referring to those who directly voted for him, mind you.  They love him.     You know whom I’m referring to, and you know who you are.  Your incomprehensible hatred ( and irrational contempt , and because it’s cool and hip to hate )  of a rival candidate  trumped the potential destruction of everything that we hold dear in America by this man.  I hope you’re satisfied and happy now.


Moving along…….


As the title says, this is not a political post. This is actually a post  acknowledging   @Planet Simon’s Mystery Blogger Award nomination  to yours truly .  Although I’m not nominating bloggers, I’m going to answer interesting  questions he has for his nominees. Here they are:


a) What do you hope to better yourself in this year ?

I hope to better myself in my eating habits. I did eat binge during this past holiday season, ( as expected, of course ), mostly sweet desserts, cakes, heavy meat dishes, etc.  I hope to change that this year and for years to come.


b)  What was your favorite Christmas yummy ?

Oh, dear.  I guess, pork bbq ? (._.”)


c) What in the world now worries you more or want to see changed ?

I worry about pollution of land, air and water resources and the amount of garbage  that humans throw out every second.


d) What’s your favorite biscuit ?

Does this refer to UK biscuit which is actually a cookie here in the US ? If it’s a cookie, I love Macademia nuts//white chocolate cookie.  By the way, in the Philippines ,   snack Filipinos call biscuits is like ” Saltines ” here in the US.  I just bought  ” Skyflakes ” biscuits at the Filipino supermarket  last Saturday.  Filipino girls usually eat ” Skyflakes ” biscuits when they’re dieting, or, according to my mother,  that was her lunch when she’d run out of lunch money  at school.   ” cough ” I’m also on diet, hence , Skyflakes .  So good with coffee or  soda.



e) What s on Netflix right now that you can’t help watching ?


Two…… Planet 2 and  The Charisma of Adolf Hitler.  About the latter…. don’t judge. I just want to know what makes dictators and authoritarians tick.


This is all for now.  Thank you for reading and peace.












It’s backkkk ! !


I know, I know. I’m whining .  In my previous post, I did say ,” problem solved … WordPress , take care of me. ”  Well, folks, it’s back.


The only solution now is to get a new email address . WordPress’s Reader is very unreliable.  Sometimes I see new posts, ( just 2x these past 2 weeks ), sometimes I don’t.


My old email  server doesn’t or can’t accept new posts from blogs that I follow on WordPress.  I still get email notications of LIKES and FOLLOWS, though.



I’ve actually never used Reader to read new posts from bloggers.  It’s so cluttered.  But I had to, after this email debacle.  And then this happened, and have been happening for 2 weeks now.




I thought renewing my Premium would solve the problem.  I was a happy camper for a few hours, then it came back.  No Reader. ( the photo above was taken an hour ago )


I solved it temporarily by clicking on the avatars of the bloggers who LIKED my posts.  However, some of the bloggers’ avatars do not have links to their websites, like @Gardencity’s .  ( I like to read posts on gardening )


So, yeah, this is what I’m dealing now.


I’m going to sign up with gmail, as per the majority’s recommendation.


That’s all.   Bye and peace.



WordPress, seriously ?


Okay, this is my 4th attempt to post today.  First one was fail. The second one went through , because I did something…..  3rd one just disappeared as I was putting a category and tag on my post. ( that post didn’t get automatically saved ….. for some reason, there was no ” draft saved ” I could fall back on ) . This one is my fourth .  I swear I’m going to leave WordPress  if this doesn’t  get published. ! !


So, wassup, Wordpre$$  ? ?  You okay ?


Here’s the sleazy story.




I posted about my email problem and WordPress a while back.  I found out it was my email server’s problem.  Microsoft doesn’t support anymore, and I guess doesn’t have the capability to accept new posts from WordPress anymore…. although I still get email notifications of LIKES and FOLLOWS form WP and from other sources.  I’m supposed to get a new email provider, like gmail, but , I haven’t done that. I ‘m too lazy to notify my credit card companies, bank, etc.  My fault, my bad.


I’m using READER now to read blogs.


Here’s the problem.


I tried posting pictures of  our Christmas Day dinner the day after Christmas as per my own tradition…… WordPress failed to publish it, and worse,  while I was writing,  I kept on getting a notification that ” saving the post failed.”  I ignored it, and tried to publish my post immediately without saving.  Epic Fail ! !   I spent hours to write that post, darn it.  ( posting pics on WordPress sucks , by the way . )


I tried reading blogs , too, but guess what,  NO posts on READER ! Completely blank !  That was 2 weeks ago and to date.


Here’s the thing .




I’ve been getting notification from WordPress that my annual  Premium Plan is expiring.


And guess what the date of expiration is…. Jan.8, 2018.  Today !


Apparently,  American Express had declined my payment of  US $99.00 to WordPress.  WP notified me it was American Express ‘ anti-fraud  action on WP.  ” Please use another card ” . So I used another card…. and my transaction was successful.  ( apparently , American Express does not trust WP’s security system ).  I use American Express all the time, and only use the other card on stores that don’t accept American Express.




Lo and behold !


The short post got published !  ( minutes after paying …. ) And the Reader appears again !


So, what’s up, Wordpre$$$$$$ ?  Is that a new policy now ? Pay up , or else ????


Wordpre$$, seriously ?


That’s all.










It’s telling me something



I’m having issues with WordPress.  It failed to publish my last post.  While writing the post, saving failed. And I’m not getting anything from Reader. It’s blank.


Before this, I wrote a long post, but I couldn’t get it published..  I’m not in the mood to write down thoughts again.


That’s all.