Things are dire____ I really need to help , no matter how puny it is.

I have decided not to post what’s on my mind. here on WordPress. Why not, you ask. Well, it’s useless because I’m sure no one here on WordPress will be interested. My Facebook page has been very busy, though. I’m happy my posts there have been gaining traction .

On Facebook, I’m like this________

And , I’m thankful readers are paying attention. They are sharing my stuff.

Here on WordPress, I’m relegated to this.

Or this______

I don’t know what else I can do. I’m just one insignificant puny person.

Kesehoda. I’ll do what I can.

25 responses to this post.

  1. Someone asked Bob Dylan. Are you happy with your work. He answered. “If my work saved one life. I am happy.” Writing is hard work. I love to read and write. I must read to create. My dear friend. New world. People don’t communicate well. I miss the days of long and meaningful conversation. Hello from Michigan and I hope you are enjoying the days of Summer.


    • We’re going grassroots. The political situation in the Philippines is serious. The spread of important and factual information are faster on Facebook. The devious president of the Philippines , Duterte, is a traitor who is brazenly giving away Philippine sovereignity to China. The largest network in the Philippines, ABS-CBN , had been closed and padlocked by the government . The people don’t know anymore what’s happening. It’s dire.


  2. I’m always interested! I don’t think we’re friends on Facebook though. Always happy to link up!


    • I write political posts on FB, and my readers are my relatives and Filipino friends who share them with others. You’ve heard of Duterte, the devious Philippine president, right ? My Mom’s cousin is prominent in the opposition circle, so we do our best to help them…. most journalists and radio broadcasters in the Philippines are in the hands of the government, so we go grassroots. ABS-CBN , the largest network in the Philippines had been closed by Duterte , reminiscent of what then Dictator Ferdinand Marcos did when he closed and padlocked all media outlets when he declared Martial Law in 1972. Duterte is allied with China and is now allowing China to occupy some territory islands in the Philippines.


      • Yes I’m very aware of Duterte and his machinations – well done you and your family for your resistance. I have enjoyed reading your political posts here when you do them – I am always much informed by them.


  3. Aren’t we all quite insignificant?
    Well, having a lot of followers or traffic on facebook is not only easy but rather disgraceful, isn’t it?
    All the best
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • It’s faster on Facebook to spread some info on what’s going on in the Philippines under its president Duterte. The largest network there, ABS_CBN had been closed and padlocked by that administration. The rest had been cowed and threatened. The head of Rappler, another media outlet , was jailed ( Simillar to what’s happening in HongKong. ) Filipinos don’t know that Duterte is slowly and surely selling off Philippines sovereignity to China, as long as he stays in power, and to his daughter who’s now running for President. He admitted he had hired Cambridge Analytica to head media sources in the Philippines.


      • We don’t know much about the Phillippines. We didn’t know that it is that bad there.
        Thanks for telling us. Nevertheless, all the best
        The Fab Four of Cley
        🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


        • If you have time, check out what’s going on at South China Sea. ( West Philippine Sea. ) China has already occupied Philippine territorial islands and built military bases there. Militarily , therte’s nothing the Philippines can do. Duterte doesn’t even protest, and even allows China to do anything unhampered, and not even protesting the killing of Filipinos fishing in Philippine seas. It is so dire that there’s a possiblity WW3 will start there. China has threatened to nuke Japan if it helps Taiwan . Taiwan is just 22 miles from the Philippines. China has already occupied some Philippine islands ( Spratley Islands ) Check out China’s Nine – Dash Line.


  4. It is very time consuming to try to run a blog and a fb page. I am not taking my fb page too seriously, maybe because it is not so easy to rank organically on fb, while blogging (when I do it properly, meaning when I do keyword planning and other SEO stuff) gets me more results in terms of visits, especially the other one which is not a WP site.
    I think fb is good to use to do affiliate marketing through fb ads and a friend of mine is making big money.
    I am not cut out for those things as I prefer to write for writing sake


    • Sir Eduardo, something dire is happening in the Philippines……. I post a lot on my FB page, and luckily, my posts are shared and dessiminated by relatives and friends from the Philippines. It doesn’t happen here. I also get a lot of info from them. There is no freedom of the press in the Philippines right now. Everyone is afraid of that devious Duterte. He closed ABS-CBN because his regime thinks it’s opposing him, when , in fact, it just tells the truth, and what exactly is happening. Filipinos don’t even know what’s happening at West Philippine Sea .


  5. Be safe and smart. I hope for calm for the Philippines.


    • Thank you. Although I’m American, I’ve joined to disseminate the truth at grassroots level , on Facebook. It’s so much faster there, info is shared exponentially. The devious president has even admitted to hiring Cambridge analytica, the group that was hired to sabotage US election ( by spreading lies ) for the Republicans. In the Philippines, the largest network , ABS-CBN , was closed and padlocked. The government had also jailed the head of Rappler, another media outlet, justlike what Communist China has been doing in HongKong, that is , jailing owners of media outlets .


  6. I find I am rarely posting either. Either the editing is too time consuming with the blocks or I’m just boring. I love reading your blog. It’s nice reading about your thoughts. Im so happy Bitter introduced us. She kind of did right 😆


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