Archive for February, 2012

All About Nothing, as usual….

Hello ! I’m here again, musing.

Eleven days have passed since my last post. I really wish I could write more often, but, there’s really nothing to talk about. So okay, I say this all the time and I end up writing more than 1000 words, lol. My brain is like a jet taking off, from zero to lightning speed. I guess this is the way I am. Well,  I’ m just hoping for a modicum of  coherency here.  But I’m sure you’re all smart enough to make sense of what I’m blabbering  about, which is all about nothing, to be honest.

On my previous post Versatile Blogger Award, Part 2, Thank You, I managed to list down 8 nominees. I want to add 7 more for the required 15 nominees, but I’m simply overwhelmed  by the sheer number of good bloggers.  I cannot choose anymore. So, I won’t. I stop at 8.  But of course I have to acknowledge 4 more who nominated me for Versatile Blogger , my 13th and 14 th, namely Undreamt Terrain and Arindam. and my 2nd Liebster Award from trjensen. I got another award from Rebecca Dawn, but couldn’t find the link , so I don’t  really know what she nominated me for, lol. Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it.

I posted something about my major relationship problem on  HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY. I left my story with a sort of  cliffhanger, didn’ I? So, did I have a Valentine date ? Yes, I got invited…. to an early dinner at an Italian family restaurant… Olive Garden. Well,  we both had exams the next day.  So, did he confess ? No. It’s a good tactic, though. No confession, no rejection.  I’m relieved coz I really need to deal with these issues first.

And he gave me these.

Why do guys always think girls like stuffed toys and chocolates ?  Cuddly and cute though, but my li’l cuzin got the chocolates.  I had a hard time shedding off 4 lbs of excess fat I piled up from my eating spree during the holidays.

Oh, pls . read from right to left.

Topiclessbar  says I should chillax. So, okay,  I’ll try to erase inappropriate stuff from my thoughts. Maybe, I’m really indulging in mental voyeurism. Or maybe I’m just a pervert. lol Or a masochist.  In this day and age, being a purist is a losing proposition. We have to be realistic , otherwise……..


Speaking of valentine dates,  my sister  and her boyfriend  had an odd one. His grandma came here to our city from San Diego for a visit and stayed at the house of his uncle. ( His father’s brother ) So sis went with the boyfriend to meet the grandma, at a family gathering, for the first time, on Valentine’s Day.   Sis was shocked to see a big German flag and a small Confederate flag at his uncle’s house. Although everyone was nice to sis, she couldn;t wait to leave the heck out of there, especially  after  his uncle showed my sister his Third Reich coin collection ! ! ! Sis freaked out and beat the crap out of her BF  coz  he didn’t  warn her about his American Nazi uncle. WTH was that all about ?   * cringe*

While I’m at it……. my brother also had a valentine’s date with his GF.  They had dinner too. It was my Mom’s turn to freak out when she found out dinner with his GF was like $ 110.oo per person. Ahahaha ! What  was the dinner, we wondered….. Russian Beluga for aparetif and Kopi Luwak for the afters ? Well, it was his first with the GF, so I understand.  You know, my brother’s GF was a former model , and was a contender at Tyra Banks modelling TV show  3 years ago. She didn’t win. I haven’t seen her but bro says she’s prettier than a Hollywood actress. My sister has seen her and says she is indeed gorgeous… tall, blond, green eyed. And most importantly, not a bimbo. She actually teaches Environment something at UCLA and owns her own design company. When she joined the modelling contest on Tyra Banks’, she told them she worked as a bartender, lol.  Btw, bro and her have been roommates  for 2 years. She owns the apartment he’s been living in in San Francisco.  It’s still a mystery to us how he managed to hook her. My brother is a geek , a hardcore gamer,  ( even goes to video game conventions with his friends ), wears glasses,  etc. * scratches head *  .  My brother’s co- workers were stunned when he brought her to the office party and was introduced as his GF.  Weird. Aaargh, I don’t like her taste in guys then. Muahahaha !

Oh, gosh,  a customer at BCBG said I looked like that cheerleader on Glee, Naya Rivera. This was the 3rd time someone told me that. The first was a reader here on WordPress, second was at a party, and then , today, at work.  Hmmmm, I don’t know… maybe… I have  pics that look like her, I guess.  The one in aqua is me..

Naya Rivera

Me, Ren….. hmmm, do I look like her ? Don’t think so. But THANK YOU VERY MUCH ! 

I just received Vol. 1 Box set of Hana Yori Dango  ( Boys Over Flowers ) that I ordered from Amazon.  It’s a Korean drama, a one year TV series there, I think. I texted my brother to buy me Vol. 2 at Japantown in San Francisco, but he didn’t buy it. Too expensive, he said ( $ 70 ). Stingy !  He said he’d buy me the dvd if I’d do his laundry for 2 months and wash his car.  Sold ! ! ( He comes home 2x a month. No problem )

By the way, the courses I’m taking now are  Biology, Chemistry, Molecular Cell, and guess what, Criminal Justice. I don’t really need CJ, but I didn’t want to waste my full tuition fees.. I pay the same amount whether my courses are 7 units or 20. Above 6 units is flat rate(  $ 4, 500 a semester ) . It’s cheap, actually, compared to other universities. Mine is a state uni.   All my classmates in C J are going to be policemen, I presume. The main character in CSI ( TV show ) is a microbiologist.  I’m thinking Forensics is a potential career I can go into, just in case.

Okay. This is all for now. I thought I could publish at least 3 this month. I guess not. Till next post then. Good day and PEACE !

Happy Valentine’s Day

Hi !

It’s 12:35 AM, Feb. 7, I’m starting to write here, at the same time, watching a Charlie Rose interview with the Russian ambassador to the UN. Don’t worry, I’m not going to make a political comment. I think  my political rant on my previous post  had offended a few , so I’m lying low  this time, but I can’t promise I won’t say something  later .  As you very well know, I write down anything that comes to mind.  Have thoughts, will write.

It’s February, the month of  LOVE………I know I won’t be able to post another one just before Feb. 14, so may I greet you now  a ….

And a Valentine kiss from me and my  BFF……  I  altered the exposure, but the shadows above my lips ( that look like a moustache, aaaargh ! ) are still there.  Never mind. He he he……


It’s LOVE month, so let’s talk about love, shall we ?

Isn’t that sweet ? The girl is sad that the guy is transferring to another school far away, starts to walk away, then guy pulls her back and kisses her. One of the best kissing image I’ve seen in a manga.

So, okay, I’m not an expert on  matters of the heart.  If you want to learn more, check out  Coupletastic ‘s blog. She gives  helpful tips on anything that concerns  LOVE.

As for me…. well,  I know I’m a pathetic  zero, but don’t count me out yet.  I’m not really  a total zero, y’know ?  There’s this guy who hasn’t given up , I guess. During the holidays and   last week, (  his birhday )I attended several parties with him. I was with him on New Year’s eve. I wrote about him before, and here’s what I wrote. I just copied and pasted it from my previous post. ……….

 “I had a classmate last year ,  a Filipino, too, whom I liked, and I was very sure he liked me too.  Even our classmates thought we had started dating. But then, one day, he told me, oh, so  casually , that  he used to live with his ex girlfriend. I don’t remember how that came up. …… Oh, I remember…..  our tenants were moving out, and I thought he was living alone in an apartment, so I asked him if he wanted to rent the house, and he could just get roommates, like our  current student tenants.  ( The house is located near the university.) And he said, “Oh, no, I live in a  house now with my cousins as roommates, and the house is owned by a relative. I used to live in an aprtment with my ex.”  I was dumbfounded and went into complete shock. Do you know how it was like? Icy chill crept from my head down to my toes. He was still speaking, but I couldn’t hear it… the sound seemed to come from far far away. In a second, I went into total  ignore mode. .  Good thing school was almost over.  “ sorry. It’s me. Can’t help it.  it’s not your fault. “

So yeah, that’s one of my major issues.  I’m not a prude, really. I know it happens, especially in this day and age, and so, I shouldn’t be looking for a guy who’s pure.  Otherwise, I’ll be looking forever. Right?  That sux.

This is the third time I’ve used the image above, but it’s  just so spot on. ( Btw, read it from right to left, the Japanese way ) Anyway,  that’s  really how I look everytime I imagine him with his ex. It really bothers me, big time. And I can’t stand that feeling. Someone told me I’m indulging in mental voyuerism, , like, imagining stuff, y’know ? But look at it from my point of view………. I think I really wouldn’t mind if he had an ex somewhere,….. I can accept the thought that most probably it was an intimate relationship, too. But the fact that he actually lived with his ex,  slept with her every night for goodness how long…… to me , that’s really, really hard to swallow. I do believe no man would ever forget a girl with whom he had that kind of relationship. It would bother me. It would trouble me. It would haunt me.  It wouldn’t be smooth- sailing for me. So, no.   It’s a pity coz he’s really a nice guy ( and cute too ).  ( But why did he and his ex break up anyway, if he was  such a  nice guy ? ? ? )  I just hope he stays friendly  and nice and not ignore me after the second rejection.

Ha ha ha… You know, he wears glasses, too.  Tee hee.  But there’s really no way.

I’m the one who has a problem, huh.  Oh, well. ……….. back to  romantic manga reading……..

I’m not reading manga as often as I want to. I only go to the websites ( Manga Fox, AnimeA , etc ) once a week  to check out new releases and chapters. There are stories that I’ve been following since 2007, and I’m elated that finally, a few of them are now completed, and some are about to finish. Finally !  * sigh of relief ”  I’m at the end of my tether,  there’s just too much drama going on, so much so that I have actually decided to drop some of them.  I’m also a weird reader coz I read spoilers. If I don’t like where the story is going, I drop it. So, yeah, I read the forum first to check out what the others are saying, and more often than not, I’m like, ”  Nooooo ! Really ? He cheated on the main girl  with his ex ? Nooooooo ! ! That doosh ! !  Where’s my rifle !!! ”    @___@  My heart can only take so much. They’re just so heart-wrenching.  Like, in  L-DK, one of my most favorite romance mangas….  On this chapter, the main guy rejects the heroine…….

I felt kind of moody for several days after reading this chapter.  LOL  I feel the pain, Aoi ! !  Well, I was rejected once……  I confessed and got rejected,  * sweats *. Man, it wasn’t pretty.  Here’s my post the day I was rejected………


Posted June 28, 2010 by renxkyoko in Uncategorized. 2 Comments | Edit


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2 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by pHiO_cHaN on June 28, 2010 at 5:12 am  edit

    and this too! what entry is this? @___@


  2. Posted by renxkyoko on June 28, 2010 at 5:54 am  edit

    (^__^)”;;  Don’t know.


LOL ! Yeah, like that . Oh, by the way, that wasn’t on WordPress. All my posts though were transferred here on WordPress.  My original site was very cozy.  Only close friends could read the posts…. we read each others’ posts and wrote crazy comments. He he he   When I moved here on WordPress, I had to delete a lot of posts when I saw  some comments from people other than my friends’, and  I was like , ” Eh ?  Other people can read my posts?  No way ! ” Hahaha !

Anyways, the kissing image above is the best, but the sweetest kissing image is the one from Strobe Edge ( Gawd ! I love this manga ! ! ) . Check this out… Ren, the guy , is blushing. Awwwwww !

The ending that brought tears to my eyes, was the one from Rockin’ Heaven. The story is……  The main girl transfers  to a high school and there she meets Ren, ( LOL Ren again ! ) a nasty,  rich, spoiled student whose family owns the school.  She falls in love with him, and though he’s such a nasty guy, she doesn’t give up. Later, they go into a relationship , but, it’s so rocky. Ren has so  many issues and later breaks up with her. (  It’s  gut wrenching ).  The issues get resolved, they get together, and years after, they get married.  Ren becomes a teacher at their former high school ( which his family owns, hahaha ) and here’s the last 2 pages of the ending. \

I want some of that love ! !

I have followed  these series ( Strobe Edge , Rockin’ Heaven and L-DK ) for almost 3 years.  L-DK is not done yet, but I’m sure it’s going to end soon.  The main characters in LDK  have already resolved their issues, and are now living together …… the love rivals are gone, thank goodness, but then, here come the parents of Aoi, the main girl. Her father comes to Aoi’s apartment unannounced, and finds Shuusei living there….. then later finds a box of condoms in the drawer… he almost faints, lol…. it’s a hilarious chapter. Ah, I’ll miss LDK .  I don’t want it to end yet.

I suspect  romance mangas have blurred my vision of romance and love in real time.  I walk on Cloud 9.  * sweatdrops *

And while I’m at it……… The Wall Street Journal, wholly owned by right winger Murdock, grudgingly admits economy is looking up, rate of unemplyment has gone down to its lowest level compared to 4 years ago.  So what else can Pres. Obama’s  haters say to bring him down ? Ta Da !!!! Lo and behold ! * trumpets blaring, drums rolling * Some narrow – minded catholic bishops are now picking a fight with Obama regarding contraceptive pills. And the Repuglican politicians have latched onto it.  War on Freedom of religion ! Now it’s a religious war. Several years ago, Republicans ‘ war cry was , War on Christmas ” !  * sigh * Do these Catholic bishops know that almost 98 % of catholic women of child-bearing age  have used or are currently using  contraception in one form or another ?  My family’s Catholics, but I know for a fact that Mom used birth control pills to plan her pregnancy. , especially when she had a second child 11 months after the first one.  Geez. There are 365 nights of being lovey dovey with the husband.  It’s almost impossible, especially for young married couples, to hold back for fear of  yearly pregnancy.   And  it is unhealthy and risky to women’s health to be pregnant every year. To ban the pills is stupid, pardon me. What are they thinking?

* sigh *  The issues are getting ridiculous.


I’m supposed to finish  my Versatile Blogger  Award  on here. Fail.  Next time , okay ? I got 2 more from  Undreamt Terrain and Arindam, my 12th and 13th.

This is all for now. Good day to all and PEACE. ( Don’t hate my politics, ok? )