Archive for July, 2017

Our First Karaoke Experience in the USA Together

Reblogged this on my site…. just click on my avatar. You guys know where to find me. lol


But before  you read  my blogger friends’ post, ( been reading these two lovey doveys for years, and never found out they were already an internet couple, Jenny in the Philippines and Tim in the US. Philippine culture is getting embedded in Tim’s DNA.  He writes some hilarious observations  about Philippine culture.


Anyways, , before anything else, here’s another video from the Philippines…… 3  9 -year -old kids belting out Listen by Beyoncé, unrehearsed, unprepared, but on the spot. …… I suspect this comes from karaoke practices at these kids’ homes.


Karaoke, which in the Philippines is often called videoke, is a National past time for Filipinos. While Americans are eating apple pies and watching baseball the Filipinos are perfecting a musical craft while drunk off their ass.

videoke Filipinos doing what they do best: disturbing the neighbors.

Like most Filipinos, Jenny can sing. As you well know, I can’t.

I won’t embarrass her with praise, but her singing voice is one of my favorite things about her. Another favorite is how she always remembers to flush the toilet. Our family is batting .500 in that aspect. Speaking of bats, you should have seen the latest present I left. And when I say bats, I mean both the baseball kind and the night stalking ones.

A few weeks ago Jenny mentioned how much she missed singing and wanted to do karaoke. So, we looked up some local places. One was right…

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What the ! ! No Way ! What did I just watch ? ?


Hi, Renxkyoko Iglesias here !


I got an email from a  friend who informed  me about this Filipino singer  who sang LIVE on this popular Philippine radio station WISH FM 107.5 BUS that has a YouTube Channel . This radio station is inside a bus and is always on the road, and features local artists , mostly amateurs…… so, anyways, I got to watch and listen to this guy named Marcelito Pomoy, who just blew my brains off.  I mean, what the heck ! ! !   He’s freakin’ insane !


You guys, seriously , you just have to  watch this. He sings The Prayer, a Celine Dion – Andrea Bocelli duet.


Spoiler Alert ! !  He sings a duet with himself ! ! !




I swear, Filipinos love for karaoke does wonders.  Or , maybe Filipinos’ musical talent  is genetic, ( the best in Asia, and that’s a fact…… I’m supposed to write about this on this post, but I want this one to be a special post  ) or ,  does it come from the rice they eat, 3 times a day ?


Without further ado, here’s Marcelito.  Please click  and prepare to be surprised.   Have fun ! ! !


And you really have to watch …. don’t click LIKE without watching.












Uhm,  guys……  the  girl on my previous post……  * cough *  that’ s  me. * cough * and that’s my dog.

A 5-K Run, a Hypothetical Question


Hi,  Renxkyoko Iglesias here .


” Happy ” Independence Day, fellow Americans.


I just participated in a 5 K – Run this morning. It’s called  Run for  Freedom.  It was my first run , and my finish time was 25 minutes. ( pics will follow soon , but not on this post )


I have a hypothetical question. There’s this girl who broke up with her boyfriend . Two years ago, they went to the animal shelter to adopt a dog. The dog chosen was a month old puppy. Although she paid the adoption fees,  the puppy was registered under the boyfriend’s name.  The girl took care of the dog from  day one, and she’s now 2 years old,. But then a week ago,  the girl finally managed to break up with the boyfriend. ( She’s been contemplating breaking up for over a year ) The guy got so mad that he threatened to come over to get ” his ” dog. The girl woke up the family and told them not to open the door ( it was 2 AM ) . He did come, but no one opened the door and thank goodness, he left immediately.  He called up again and said he was going to take her to court if she didn’t hand over the dog.  Her mother was so angry too that she said if he or anyone came over again, she’d call the cops.


The girl told her co workers about this problem. They said she should gather proofs that she was the true owner of the dog ( like medical bills ,etc ), and they also advised her to watch her back because it looks like he is THAT kind of person.


The question is, should she stand her ground ?