Archive for October, 2018

Now a clear choice between heaven and hell on Nov. 6.




The United States of America is teetering  on the precipice  between safety and peace and  violence and hatred, led , encouraged and condoned by the president himself.


He once encouraged his supporters to beat up protesters at his rallies. ” Don’t worry”, he said, ” I’ll take care of the lawyers. ”   I hope he can also take care of  the lawyers of  his  supporter  who had attempted to assassinate at least 14 of his prominent critics , including 2 former Presidents, a Secretary of State, a former CIA director, a former Intelligence Chief, 2 senators,  one Congressman, a former Attorney General  and others .


Please, please, please  vote Blue on November 6.  The situation here in the US  is getting worse and dire. This is now a clear choice between good and evil.  Blue for sky and heaven, and Red for Hell .


Please find time to vote…. it’s just an hour out of your precious 8,760 hours in 2018.



Sorry for the long hiatus



Reasons why :


a) Read Fear by Bob Woodward…done ! Currently reading  Fire and Fury ( Inside the Trump Whie House) by Michael Wolff . Next is  Omarosa’s Unhinged.


b)  Vacuumed and shampooed the carpet.


c) Ironed a pile of clothes, bedsheets, pillowcases, etc.


d)  Mowed the lawn, frontyard and backyard


e)  Went to a 2 – day Rock Concert, with co-wokers, ( with production workers, not lab techs )








That’s me in the photo below……

IMG_7234 (1)

Observations  at the concert :


a) Almost  90 % of the males wore black shirts….


b)  Almost all in the concert  were white , jajaja,  and just a handful of Asians, (including yours truly ) … I didn’t see any African – Americans… well, except Slash.  I felt just a tad out of place , but then ,when one band member snapped at you-know – who,  the crowd went wild.   Yes ! !


That’s all. Ah, wait…  about the new US Supreme Court justice, Kavanaugh…. I’m done with politics… for now.  So dirty and tainted.


Still, you need to vote, okay ? … and vote Blue.


Check out my anime/manga/video games website @



What is on my mind today ? Rainbow Award




Hello, dear readers ! Good morning,  Magandang umaga. Buenos dias, Ohayogozaimasu, Bonjour, Bom dia, Joh-eun achou, God margon, Buongiorno, Zaoshang  hao, Shubh prabhaat, Selamat pagi, Sabah alkhyr,  Dzien dobry  Guten morgen !


Xena, (  for some reason, link fails, so here it is….   ) a good blogger friend , has nominated me for a Sunshine Award.  She only has one question her nominees have to respond to, i.e. , What’s on your mind today ?  I like  that.


I  woke up at 4 AM  today to read Bob Woodward’s  Fear.  It’s 6 AM right now, and I just finished reading  3 chapters of the book.




So what do I think of the book, so far ?  It’s expectedly cringe- worthy, but , to be honest,  everything  I have read, so far,  is just an affirmation of  things we already know.  I am afraid  I have become inured to all the shenanigans that are going on at the White House. I just want this to be over, so that the country can  start  restoring  respectability and dignity back to the Office of the President of the United States, rebuild the goodwill of all nations, and most importantly,  undo and repair the damage this presidency has inflicted on its citizens and government institutions.


There is no other  recourse but to vote, and to vote wisely.


This is what is on my mind today.


Thank you for reading, and peace.


Check out my manga/anime/ video games  blogsite at


Also,  I highly recommend  DESIGNATED SURVIVOR , a new TV series now showing on Netflix.