Archive for February, 2017

It’s true. Be very careful what you wish for.

Hello !  Renxkyoko Iglesias here, reporting for duty. * salutes *


I have not been  blog reading  much , I know, and I’m sorry for that.  I’ve been busy doing  other things, boring things, routine stuff…. like  going to work, coming home,  doing household chores,  yadiya…… and watching YouTube.  Wow. I didn’t know there was so much stuff to watch on YouTube.  I am aware we can’t believe everything we see there,  nevertheless, they are all fascinating.


Then I saw footages of the extent of  damage  from the 3 – year drought in California.  Now , THAT I can believe.  I don’t even have to see that on YouTube .  Right here at our own backyard,  2 of our 7 redwood trees are goners.  I took pictures of the trees , but I feel lazy  uploading them into my computer.  Later.


Funny thing is,  they say it needs to rain continuously for 5 or 6 months to get to the normal level of water at our reservoirs, especially here in Northern California.  NorCal  is the one that supplies water to Southern California  (  where LA is, if  you don’t know it ) . In 2016, our wishes have been granted.  It’s been raining since October until , well, today, and it’s almost March. Skiing resorts have been revived.  And when snow starts to melt , you bet there’s going to be plenty of water to go around when summer comes.


Melting snow from the mountains….. that’s the main source of water for California . But, since it’s been raining continuously for 5 months now,  we don’t have to wait for snow to melt. Our rivers and reservoirs are full and overflowing. People near the dams and rivers have been evacuated, and in fact, a co- worker was absent for 2 days because they had to evacuate to drier areas.  A friend texted me that she and her family had to leave their home, because the river had overflowed and had already reached their elevated porch.  Where I live, there are levees that protect us from  the river overflows.  My city is like a bowl.  The levees are like the rim of the bowl. Just imagine that.


So, yeah, be careful what you wish for.


This is all for now. Thank you for reading.


Check out my anime/manga/video games blogsite  at






Oh, wow the feels !This really made me cry.

Hi, Renxkyoko Iglesias here, musing again.


Okay, I was supposed to post this on Valentine’s Day,  but , well, I had been  busy these past few days…… Heck, it was  Valentine’s week, folks…… * crickets *


Anyways, I am actually posting  a Jollibee Valentine’s Day commercial  on here, a series of 3, and  I really think they are worth watching.


Jollibee is the McDonald’s  of the Philippines…..more popular , too….. and this fast food/ hamburger/fried chicken joint  already has quite a number of franchises here in the US….. here in our city, there are at least 4.  In Southern Ca, and New York , they are everywhere.



I highly doubt it’s a friendly business rivalry in the Philippines.


As I said, these are TV commercials in the Philippines, but are super duper trending on Facebook.


Curious ?  Click  the videos.  Take note, it’s a commercial, and that means, just one minute per commercial ?  You can spare 3 minutes for all 3, right ?  Ugh….. should have posted this on Valentine’s day.


Oh, and check out my anime/manga/video games website at


Thank you for reading ! ! !





My Evil Thoughts…. just a random musing, short and sweet

Renxkyoko Iglesias here, folks.


I have been busy these past few weeks…..playing  video games……. and no, not Pokémon, or Flowers in Spring kind of game………what I am playing are  games where I can decapitate enemies to my heart’s content and scream,  Die, b*tches !   ( You can read my thoughts on video games that I currently play HERE, if you’re interested.  This is my anime/manga/video games blogsite  )


Not only am I acting upon my  inner aggression  in a virtual reality by playing  a heroine trying to save the world from utter destruction,  I am also   having some Susan Sarandon moments lately.  Yes, I’m looking at you, Beattyvile, Kentucky. Ask me, do I care ?  You will not get any  from me, not an iota of sympathy. ….. and I suspect, not even from Jesus.


John  Pavlovitz’s  piece  , A Message to the Heartbroken, prompted me to write down my thoughts  at the moment..  My own message is, please let me rage and hate in peace and quiet.  It’ll get better in time, I am sure of it.


This is all for now.





Awards acknowledgement and other stuff

Hi, there !   Renxkyoko Iglesias here !  ” waves ”


I’d like to apologize for my long-delayed acknowledgement of the awards I’d been given by  raistlin0903  (  Versatile Blogger Award ), cookandenjoyrecipes ( Blog-aholic  Award ),  lifewithtranquility ( Blogger  Recognition Award ) and livepulchritudinously ( Blogger Recognition Award ).  There are two more, but I assume they are for my anime/manga/video game website.  The only one who has a question for me is @livepulchritudinously.  The question is , give a brief story of how your blog started.


Well, in high school… my fellow manga fans met at a manga forum……  our posts later morphed into personal and off-topic , like , ” Guess what, guys, I just bought a new pair of boots.” So, we decided to do our thing on LiveJournal.  Then , ( though  I’m not sure about this  ) WordPress took over LiveJournal and all our stuff were transferred, lock, stock and barrel, to WordPress.  At first, it was just us commenting on each other’s blog. Then , for the first time,  one person posted a comment on my blog, and I was really surprised.  ”  Who is this guy and why is he here ? ”  Then a few more comments from other readers  followed and we didn’t like it, so we just ignored the commenters . The situation was like that for almost a year, LOL.


That’s the story. Hey, we were just a bunch of idiots who didn’t know any better.  To date, I’m the sole survivor.  One had gone to medical school, the other got married,  one went to China to teach English, and couldn’t post from there….. the rest I don’t know. They deleted their blogsites.  Ironically, what got me interested  were the comments. I started responding to them, and for the first time , read their blogs.   The rest is history.


Random picture here, because there should be a picture, right ?


Above are my favorite  books and authors.


Politics…….  Nasties are piling up, one on top of another.  I’m so overwhelmed I’ve become catatonic.



My friend’s cousin  has actually started a countdown  on Facebook.  1,446  days  to  next inauguration.  Persevere !


Check out my manga/anime/videogame  at


This is all for now. Be safe and take care.  And start saving for a bunker.  Thank you for reading.