Archive for the ‘2013’ Category

Philippine Jolibee commercials

Hi !  Renxkyoko Iglesias here .


To be honest, I don’t know where to start.


Okay, so last Saturday,  I was watching some Philippine stuff on You Tube when I came across  another Jolibee commercial, this time for Mother’s Day. I don’t know if you’ve seen the Jolibee Valentine commercial called DATE that I posted in February.  Hold it right there, Ren, what’s a freakin’ Jolibee ?  Well, Jolibee is the largest fast food chain in the Philippines. (  there are Jolibee franchises already here in the US, there are 2 where I live ).  If you haven’t seen it, here it is.  Those who have seen it, I hope  you still remember that particular  commercial ( I posted a series of 3 commercials )


Then last Saturday, I saw this, a Jolibee commercial for Mother’s Day  (   You need to watch both , otherwise, this post is pretty pointless. )



Just a question for my Filipino readers……. are all commercials in the Philippines like these ?  This is  a  fast food chain that sells fried chicken and hamburgers  and targets human emotions in the most profound way. Kind of weird.


After watching this most recent Jolibee commercial,  I had a sudden craving for  Jollibee burgers and fried chicken , and invited my parents to a Jolibee lunch,  my treat, of course.


Then at Jolibee, I saw this.



On my post, Philippine Blood Soup,  I tackled the Filipinos’ love affair with  corned beef, potatoes and cabbage,  very Irish , and so not typically Asian.  Even here in the US, we  eat that for breakfast , with rice and egg, or corned beef sandwich, or corned beef stew with potatoes and cabbage for dinner.  So, can you see the Jolibee menu of corned beef breakfast with fried rice and egg  and corned beef sandwich on the menu panel ? ( You can also see breakfast hotdogs with fried rice and egg ). These are typical Filipino breakfasts.  Is that weird ? Hotdogs with fried rice and egg ? Or bacon.  Guys, you should try this.


Our  lunch at Jolibee.


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We had ” pancit palabok ” ( noodles with shrimp sauce), a bucket of ChickenJoy, with gravy, Aloha burger, and Mango Peach Pie.


This is all for now. Thank you for reading.


Please check out my anime/manga/video game blogsite at

I have a new entry titled , Notice Me, Senpai,. It’s about clichés in Japanese shoujo romance genre.


Bye !











Happy Mother’s Day

Hello ! Renxkyoko Iglesias here.


In all the years I have been blogging here, this is the first time  I have posted on Mother’s Day.  It’s so ironic because my  mother is my very best friend in the world, and we have  been together so much I feel I have become like her. I have come to like her kind of music (  LedZep, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, ie, classic rock ) , her politics, her civic consciousness, even her taste in movies and books (  mystery, thriller , crime stories , and believe it or not, musicals ) so much so that I ended up majoring in forensics.  She is a recycling Nazi. I am, too. She loves the arts..,.. my sister had her piano lessons, went to a ballet school…. I had my violin and tap dancing lessons , as well. ( I readily quit the tap dancing thing… Eh ! ) She did her own thing , too.  She took up  ballroom dancing and  brought   me and my sister to her dancing lessons and we watched in awe middle aged ladies dancing with so much gusto it was almost embarrassing…. I remember one who looked like she was 100 years old dancing with handsome young  DIs ( Dance Instructors). Mom had her own favorite DI . ( Uhm, hi , Dad, nothing went on there, I assure you , he he ) Don’t get me wrong. My Mom was not a social butterfly. She was  a political and social activist who fought bravely and without fear the brutal Marcos dictatorhip and kleptocracy  in the Philippines.  Read about it here.  She was, in fact,  on the list of people who would get arrested just before The People Power Revolution happened, literally saved by the bell. (  My sister and brother  were shuttled from one house to another to keep them safe …. so  yes, it was like that ……. her activities were definitely not a walk in the park )


These are the only available photos that I have on WordPress.  She looks like my sister. I look like Dad.





Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.  I will buy your favorite orchid, 2 pots, I promise.


Check out my manga/anime/video games blogsite  @


Bye for now and peace.

Oh, wow the feels !This really made me cry.

Hi, Renxkyoko Iglesias here, musing again.


Okay, I was supposed to post this on Valentine’s Day,  but , well, I had been  busy these past few days…… Heck, it was  Valentine’s week, folks…… * crickets *


Anyways, I am actually posting  a Jollibee Valentine’s Day commercial  on here, a series of 3, and  I really think they are worth watching.


Jollibee is the McDonald’s  of the Philippines…..more popular , too….. and this fast food/ hamburger/fried chicken joint  already has quite a number of franchises here in the US….. here in our city, there are at least 4.  In Southern Ca, and New York , they are everywhere.



I highly doubt it’s a friendly business rivalry in the Philippines.


As I said, these are TV commercials in the Philippines, but are super duper trending on Facebook.


Curious ?  Click  the videos.  Take note, it’s a commercial, and that means, just one minute per commercial ?  You can spare 3 minutes for all 3, right ?  Ugh….. should have posted this on Valentine’s day.


Oh, and check out my anime/manga/video games website at


Thank you for reading ! ! !





Just thought I’d re-blog this, lol ! !

Hey, hey, hey ! I’ve got new pics to share !
First off……. my 15 minutes of fame, so to speak…… here they are…… oh, these pics were taken uring Jason derulo’s concert. I was picked from the audience, and went on stage and he sang to me ! Woot ! I was tickled pink ! I have the video of it, but it looks like it cannot be shown here. Well, I don’t know how.
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This is an old post. I was surprised  jmount found this today and commented… the one and only comment. lol  So, I thought, hey, why not…. REBLOG ! !