My Random Thoughts, One More Time

Hi ! Renxkyoko Iglesias here !

So, okay, this post is about my vacation in the Philippines.  But, first, I’d like to write down a few things  swirling on my mind at the moment, and let’s see where this post  goes..

Firstly, the Republican Party’s scorch earth policy has been  pissing me off  from the time  this party invited Israel’s Natenyahu to speak before the US Congress without informing the White House. This was a total breach of protocol and disrespect for the US  Executive office.  But , what do we expect from these  people ?  They don’t even believe  Pres. Obama is an American. Then more than a week ago, 47 US Republican Senators sent a letter to the Ayallatolahs in Iran, telling them  the talks and on-going negotiations  between Iran and the US  ( and  5  others…. Russia, China, Great Britain,  Germany and France) are useless pieces of  documents, thereby scuttlling and undermining the integrity  of the US  negotiators..  Under Logan’s Law, that is treason.   They will burn the whole  country down to spite the Black man currently residing at the White House. It’s mind- blowing.

And, Netanyahu has won the election in Israel, and has  proclaimed to the world a state of Palestine  would  not happen under his watch.  Well, good luck on  that, Sir.

” Uhm, Ren, are you actually anti- Israel ? ”

Believe it or not, there’s Jewish blood flowing in my veins.  My great, great, great , great  grandparents were Spanish Jews, and though they later converted to Catholicism, this little info had been passed on from one generation to another, finally to my mother and her siblings, then to us.  ( lest we forget).  Another thing, my brother-in-law, my sister’s husband, is a Jew.  That’s the magical  asterisk  in my family’s already colorful history.

How colorful ?  Well,   a  great grandfather  was a rebel  who was  arrested and incarcerated in a dungeon at Fort Santiago, and later, his house was turned into a museum to honor him…… another  greatgrandad, a rebel, managed to escape to HongKong  before the American  colonists  came to arrest him, and no, he wasn’t a homeless  19 year old bum all the time he was on exile……. he was a student boarder at St. Joseph’s College and studied there for 4 years.  It still  exists, and surprisingly, it is considered the most elite boys school ,most revered  and best school  in  HongKong to this day.  ( According to Wiki )  How his father sent out the money  to HongKong was pretty interesting, but the American authorities  knew about it apparently. They, in fact, had arranged for him to return to the Philippines, and appointed  him Governor  of the province ( won’t mention the name of the province) for many, many years . It seems I’m bragging. Well, I guess  I am. They fought for independence, after all.  The other greatgranddad’s story was better , though. What happened to him was  in their history books.  That’s something to brag about. The other one? I don’t know.  Maybe he had fun in Hongkong. Still…. it was kind of  sad to be away from family for 4 years. I’ m  not diminishing what he had done for the cause. He was just lucky to have a family with the means to keep him out of the dungeons.   Oh, but he had a town named after him. :0  It went well for him, too..

Fort Santiago entrance





Tjhe dungeons……


Great grandpa’s  photo, the Governor, middle , left  ( interesting moustache )  I love to look at old photos…  fascinating  stuff.


So, okay, where was I ?

Going back to the question, am I anti- Israel ?  No freaking way. But, we do seek pathways to peace , whatever they are, wherever they maybe.  I believe , and the whole world, for that matter, believe  that statehood for Palestine , is one pathway.

And what do I think of these terrorists ?  It cannot be published. omgcursezasfdgytmdie !

The problem here is,  who am I to rant , proselytize, be holier than thou ?  The US is not  lily white , either. Racism  is  alive and kicking.  ”  Wrong ” skin color can get one killed.

I guess this post went nowhere…. as expected of  yours truly.  ^_^ ”   Fun vacation, my foot.  My thoughts just took off and went all over the place, except the place where they were supposed to go.

This  is all for now.  Fun vacation post next  time maybe ?

Thanks for reading , folks. PEACE !




78 responses to this post.

  1. Way to speak your mind Ren! Your post are always a delight to read and embrace…God bless!


    • Thanks, Wendell A. Brown. A bit scattered, though. That’s why, for me, the title is the last. And I didn’t even know what title to write, ha ha. So, random thoughts is the last resort.


  2. This was so interesting. What a rich heritage you come from. Your post made me go back and read up some history too.. Guess it was good to have a refresher course!


    • It is a colorful heritage. I was even told our last name is actually not our surname, originally. My great grand father changed it because the Spanish authorities were after him. Really interesting.


  3. Why do your blog’s so great? Your posts are very appealing, and readers, like me, are enticed to read! Hehe. 🙂 Great job!


  4. Posted by Mr. Militant Negro on March 20, 2015 at 6:54 am

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


    • Yes ! Thanks, Jueseppi ! * whisper * Within 4 hours since I published this, 3 had already unsubscribed. I don’t know why… he he he. It always happens when I write something political. Oh, well.


  5. I am pro Israel as well. Yet I want Palestine to have statehood with the main caveat being that Palestine must officially recognize Israel’s right to exist.


  6. PS. You should be very proud of your heritage.


  7. ditch the idea of whether your pro or anti Israel. But to know about your family line is very interesting. OMG that’s so cool Ren. I don’t even know who my great grand fathers are *sobs*


    • Hey, we’re supposed to have at least 4 sets, right ? Like 8 grandparents and great grandparents ? We even know of one great grandparent from 1847’s… he was the one who came from Sta. Maria in Segovia, Spain. My grandmother went to Spain to attend a reunion. So yeah, there was contact. I guess our relatives had always been curious. In fact, a relative wrote a book about our family. Hardcover. As for the rest of my great ones, we have no idea.

      Why don’t you start asking , aysabaw, while some of the old folks are still alive. You’ll be amazed what you’ll come up with.


      • You have an interesting blood line. As for me, it’s quite difficult. I haven\t even seen my all my aunts and uncles from my father’s side. I don’t even know who my cousins are ha ha ha… it’s quite difficult to chase the great great relatives LOL


  8. I love how you express your thoughts so don’t worry you can write about your Philippine vacation next time. I am trying to decipher the name of your great grandpa. Those faces look familiar.


    • It takes forever to post the photos, Ma’m Arlene. My computer is sooooo slow.

      Aaargh. Don’t even try. These are dangerous times. I want to be as anonymous as possible because of my political posts. A few already unsubscribed , and it happens everytine I post something political. Politics here in the US is nasty, believe it or not. There was one reader who commented, ” I’m going to find you .”


  9. Posted by Cassidy Frazee on March 20, 2015 at 11:31 am

    I have some Jewish blood as well, though my father will deny it up and down whatever stack of holy books you wish his to swear by. I’m also part Cherokee–a very small part after four generations–as well as French, German, and Scottish. I really won the lottery there, didn’t I?

    Anyway, Happy Ostara–you know what this means in my novels 🙂 –and don’t let school get to you. Also, is your mind reading my screen shots and coming up with worst case scenarios? 😉


    • Ha ! Do you know how my great grandmother told my mother ? ” Don’t tell anyone you’re a Jew. ” Mom was like in elementary and didn’t even know what a Jew was. She found it very strange. If great grandma didn’t want it known, why even tell her ? It didn’t make sense. Now, she thinks it’s indirect reminder and some kind of subliminal message. Mom asked her sister if their grandma said the same thing, and indeed she did, but great grandma said it directly. ( because they were older. ) ” We used to be Jews.” IThere’s some cultural importance here, by the way. At that time, it wasn’t a good thing to be called a Jew. Being a Jew was equated to being like Judas, not realizing that Jesus was a Jew, too. Well, that’s what I think.

      Yes, I’ve been checking out the screen shots, and everytime, I come up with the worst scenarios. :/ But I don’t want to comment coz I ‘d sound like a broken record, and I’m sure you’d get frustrated with me again. ” Say Her Name “, ” Stalking Time “, Blues Before Blue.” Say Her Name…. Kerry and Emma, I’m sure of it. Stalking Time…. Emma stalks kerry and who’s feeling blue ? Kerry ? Why ?


      • Posted by Cassidy Frazee on March 21, 2015 at 12:16 pm

        My father refuses to admit there may have been Jews in our family: just no way he’ll cop to that fact.

        Oh, you’re got all the WORST things going on in your head with Kerry! Hehe! Just wait until you discover the truth! 😉


  10. Sometimes world politics does not make any sense at all. I enjoyed your post, as usual 🙂


  11. Nothing like a good rant I always say 🙂 And yes, racism is still sadly very much alive and kicking; it never really went away it just changed it’s clothing somewhat.


  12. I already added the recipe for the shepherd’s pie, check it out 🙂


  13. Such an intriguing and fascinating family history, Ren, and I think it’s marvelous that you use your platform to speak your mind and engage in conversation about the things that are important to you. Good for you!
    Loved the post.


    • Thank you, peakperspective !

      Problem is, everytime I speak my mind , go political, I mean, at least a dozen followers unfollow me. ha ha Oh, well… that’s the way the cookie crumbles.


  14. Love it! I am not surprised to hear about your grandparents’ history, as they are related to YOU! So glad you made it to the Philippines. Looking forward to hearing more about it next time!


    • ” How did you manage to escape to HongKong, and what was your life in HongKong like? ” ( It happened at the turn of century, around 1900 ) Two questions relatives never bothered to ask. My father doesn’t know anything, and he was his grandfather ! Could have been a good topic of conversation among relatives, right ? My relatives have no sense of history.


  15. Posted by ~REBECCA DAWN~ on March 24, 2015 at 12:32 am

    Hello lovely Ren!
    What a great post as always!
    Bowing down! 🙌
    I think if we can’t express our opinion what good is it to have one?!


    • Guess what, every time I go political, at least a dozen followers ” unfollow ” me. Oh, well.


      • Posted by ~REBECCA DAWN~ on March 24, 2015 at 5:16 pm

        What?! You write the best posts don’t let them get you down!
        Just last week I lost 5 followers because 1. I only wrote post a day. 2. I wrote about random things!
        I love your blog, Ren! You are so interesting and that’s why people love your blog!!! 🙌💞
        Much love and hugs to you!!!


  16. I do like your flights of fancy, your post didn’t ‘not go anywhere’ it left the way open for debate which is something politicians seem to forget. It’s bewildering that any of you Americans can vote for the Republicans, they seem a bit unhinged in a lot of what they do.

    The thing with Israel is that any dissenting of what they wish automatically gets labelled as anti semitic, there are mistakes on both sides of the Palestine/Israel conflict but as the Israelis suffered in WWII, it seems interesting that they seem to be repeating those mistakes themeelves as an occupying forces, be it subconsciously or not.


    • Oh, wow, I like that ” flights of fancy” description.

      I know , right. You haven’t read everything that they say and do , and I have, ( it’s cringe – worthy ) and it’s giving me high blood pressure.


  17. Hello!

    Your grandfather looks very familiar that I know him. Haha! Mouth shut. 😐

    Reminds me of our Philippine history. I remember back in my childhood I have a playmate and classmate from our neighborhood who is a descendant of Aguinaldo. I haven’t met him for decades now.

    How about some more pictures of Intramuros? 🙂


    • I have pics of Intramuros, but those will come later.

      Filipinos look the same, ha ha ha. I can say the same thing for all races. He he he

      Cheers, Bro. Allen ! !


  18. I loved the slice of family history. I think I’m onside with your Israel comment. I’m certainly not anti -Israeli but I find it hard to imagine that Netanyahu’s presence on the political stage makes the world a safer or more inclusive place. For the record I have a niece who is 50% Jewish, although that wouldn’t affect my opinions one way or the other


    • That Jewish thing is a new revelation. To me, anyway. To be honest, I think it’s cool. If my Mom had revealed we were Buddhists before, I’d find that cool, too. 🙂

      Oh, Netanyahu. He’s a very contentious person., imo.


  19. I feel you on your random thoughts.
    See…not so random. 😉


    • Well, You’re right. It isn’t so random at all. My thoughts flowed and couldn’t come back to the real topic , which was my vacation in the Philippines, lol. That’s why I’ve been warning readers about what they’re going to read, because I don’t know myself.

      Cheers, RoSy !


  20. Hi! Interesting to learn more about your heritage. I like learning about origins as I think it helps us understand ourselves now better 🙂 Have a great weekend!


    • Hi, Christy ! !

      It’s interesting, isn’t it ? A relative even wrote a book about our family ” tree ” ( hardbound, but only for the family’s reading pleasure ) .

      Cheers, Christy !


  21. Hey, renxkyoko! —– Your post did not “Go nowhere.” — I think it went pretty far in describing how things really are in the world and I read every word of it with great interest and entrhusiasm. — So keep on keeping on and telling us exactly what is on your mind because in doing so you are providing a great service to a lot of people who might not take the time to think of these important things that have the potential to change life for all of us. I applaud you for your posts and I feel privileged and honor to read them.


  22. Hey, renxkyoko! —– Your post did not “Go nowhere.” — I think it went pretty far in describing how things really are in the world and I read every word of it with great interest and entrhusiasm. — So keep on keeping on and telling us exactly what is on your mind because in doing so you are providing a great service to a lot of people who might not take the time to think of these important things that have the potential to change life for all of us. I applaud you for your posts and I feel privileged and honor to read them.


    • Thank you for the kind words, Sir John ! ! The problem here is that this blogsite is not supposed to be a political one. I ‘m very much aware my followers and readers are of different political and religious persuasions, and I’m sure they did not follow me for my political and religious beliefs. That’s why I’m being very careful not to put my ” real” thoughts out here. But, I can’t help it. :/ I just have to say something about what’s going on in the world. * I think about a dozen followers ” unfollowed ” me, ha ha ha * Well, I guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles.


  23. Reading your thoughts is quite a fun. Enjoyed this one despite me getting late at work. Ha ha! I was able to read two of your posts as of this very minute. Till next drop-by 🙂 Hello Renx from Mindanao, Philippines! He he


    • Marybunch, you look familiar. Did I know you a long, long time ago. ? I checked out your site and I’m actually following you already.

      Anyway, cheers and I’m glad you so enjoyed reading my post it made you late for work ! ! Awww !


      • I couldn’t find my first comment here. Hehe. Anyway, you followed me years ago. I stopped blogging because I just stopped for no reason. We don’t know each other personally (of course hehe) but so glad you still have spare time to read my oh-never-mind posts hehe. BTW, remember I used to tell you that you look like that one hispanic beauty in Glee? That in cheerleading squad. 🙂 Happy to know you still drop by at my site 🙂 Thanks!


  24. Ranting is an intellectual manner is good and young lady, you did a great job. I am looking forward to reading more about your vacation and thanks for sharing some of your family history – very interesting to say the least.


  25. Thanks for the incite into the history of Ren, if nothing else ; )


  26. Happy Easter Ren!!!!!!! Hugs and blessings!


  27. Posted by Leeyo on April 10, 2015 at 7:44 am

    Where’s the fun vacation post? Hehe


    • Uhm, :/

      Next time…. I dread posting pictures….. my computer is whacked… it takes a while to post just one picture. But I will, maybe tomorrow. Maybe.


      • Posted by Leeyo on April 10, 2015 at 8:24 am

        Take your time.. im just asking. No pressure, really. Hehe.. same thing happened to me when i was about to finish my avp. -_- remember it like it was yesterday.


  28. Posted by Jackie Saulmon Ramirez on April 14, 2015 at 9:20 pm

    A real dungeon? Wow! These pictures are awesome!


    • They are real dungeons, Jackie. I saw shacles on the walls. So medieval. In fact, it was built in the 1600’s so yeah, it’s rreally medieval.


  29. Awesome 🙂


  30. valid points raised Renx. 🙂 enjoyed your travelogue on Fort Santiago, made me miss home. thanks fo sharing!


  31. I enjoyed reading your recent posts, even the political views. They are welcome. I was trying to figure out the name of your ancestor. Looks familiar! Haha. Have a great day, Ren! 🙂


  32. Posted by equinoxio21 on April 28, 2015 at 6:55 pm

    Very interesting family history. Thanks for sharing.
    Be good.
    Drive safe! 🙂


  33. Such an intriguing and fascinating family history, Ren, thank you for sharing this, I have missed reading your writings and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope the studies are coming along good. Big hugs! XO


  34. Ranting is good for one’s health. The Israel- Palestine conflict does not have any easy solutions, but I don’t think Natenyahu’s approach is helping much.


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