My Euro Tour Part 20 Spain

Hello !  Renxkyoko Iglesias here !


I’ve been hella busy these past weeks……… exams, work, and  stuff are getting in the way of blogging. As usual, there’s nothing on my mind  at the moment, but then I’m always like this, right? I’m a slow starter.  Funny thing is, when I get going,  there’s nothing that can stop  me from  taking off.  So, let’s see where this post goes.

My signature name here, Ren x Kyoko .  It goes without saying that  isn’t my real first name.  The name comes from one of my most favorite mangas ( Japanese graphic novels) SKIP BEAT.  Yep, I read mangas, and really, really enjoy reading them.  They are drawings, cartoons, with very few words to read, and basically depend  on facial  expressions to convey what ‘s going on in the story.  Did you get to read my Valentine’s post here ?  It conveys a lot just looking at the drawings, doesn’t it,  with  minimum number of words, 13 short sentences, and really, the drawings say it all.  Oh,  I’m not rationalizing my fondness for stories with pictures. I read to entertain myself. That’s all there is to it. But, I have to admit  some manga stories do lower the level of my IQ a few notches. Or, have   irreversibly killed a few brain cells.  ( Eh. I’m not worried about my IQ.  I’ve been called a walking Encyclopedia once,  and I believe I can give Jeopardy contestants a run for their money.  )



The other stuff  thar I read.

Quite  a few mangas  have scarred me for life, though.  Like, what, you ask.  Like Incest, that’s what.  Like 2 siblings who are into forbidden love, and in the end, both comitted  suicide.  Or,  twins who have  fallen in love with each other, and have ran away to another country to be together. There are tons of forbidden love stories like these, though some are cute, especially those that involve love between two  non-blood -related siblings.  There are so many plotlines like these that it makes me think, is this actually  a cultural thing in Japan?

Back to SKIP BEAT…… it’s a series that I’ve been reading for 6 years now, and still ongoing. It’s at Chapter 198 , to date, and the truth is, it’s been on going for 10 years already..  What’s amazing about this manga is that, the timeline of the story  as of the last chapter is barely over a year .  A chapter comes out every  5th of the month, and I tell you, I always get butterflies in my stomach everytime I turn on the computer to check if  a new  chapter has already been uploaded. That’s how addicted I am to this  pure  love story. It’s a comedy, too.


You know, I visualize myself  already a grandma, sitting in a rocking chair, sipping hot cocoa, clucking my dentures, and still reading Skip Beat. ( *_*)  For the love of God, hurry up and kiss already ! ! Gosh !  * like  that’s gonna happen * (6_6 )

Oh, well. * turns off fangirl  switch *

I did say I was going to post a few left-over photos  of Spain. I hope  a reader from Spain can recognize them.  I don’t know where these pictures were taken, but I’m sure it was before our trip to Burgos, Spain. I was wearing the same dress.



.Above photo is a bullring.



Photos below are our Optional dinner at Barcelona, which cost each person $75, and  includes Spanish Flamenco Dance entertainment. I think this was the best  dinner in our 27 day tour……. a sumptous  Spanish buffet !  The dishes were  like the foods we cook at home…. estofado, paella, etc.  There was even a squid soup dish that included the ink… the way we cook it at home.





Ooooh, there’s the black rice with squid ink.  That’s how we cook it at home too. We saute garic, onions, lots of tomatoes, then the squid with the ink, then water…. then we eat it with rice, and the rice turns black in color because of the squid ink. Guys, it’s an acquired taste, but it really tastes good.  Trust me.




There’s rabbit stew on the plate but I’m not sure which one. Rabbit estofado was delicious, it really was, but,  it was difficult to swallow Roger Rabbit..



.Desserts !

I ‘m going to blog about the foods we had in Europe, something like a food critique.  One thing,  we had the best in Spain. And very generous portions, too. More to my taste, anyway.


After dinner, we watched a Flamenco dance group.



Oooooh, passionate dance, passionate people.




.That’s it for Spain…. the land of my ancestors.  Beautiful country. Good-bye.

Peace and stay cool.

95 responses to this post.

  1. I was wondering where you had been. My co-worker in Cebu was trying to get me to watch the Anime version of Skip Beat, but I couldn’t find it. She also said there were a couple live action ones too, but I couldn’t find them either. Love your comic btw 🙂

    Anyway back to Skip Beat, the whole thing is available to read online?

    Looks like you had a great time in Spain! Take care!


    • There’s no Part 2 of the anime version, yet. I’m waiting for that, too. The anime version was taken off YouTube.

      Yes, it is ! Go to MangaHere. 198 chapters ! Happy reading.


  2. Gorgeous photos, as always! 🙂


  3. Posted by 25pesocupnoodles on March 20, 2013 at 12:43 am

    gusto ko ang idea na super Lola na tapos nagbabasa pa rin ng Skip Beat, hahaha. cool.


  4. I really enjoyed the flamenco dancing when I saw it in Spain. Such beautiful costumes the ladies wore. And then there’s the fire and passion in the dance! Absolutely amazing. It almost made me want to get up and dance the way they did, but I’ll leave it to the professionals. XD


  5. Passion ! I know, right.
    I bought 2 Spanish shawls, Simpleek ! Though, It’s gonna be weird to use that here in the US, he he he.


  6. End of a beautiful journey. Manga was a great addition. I’ll check them out 🙂


  7. wow you read a lot 😀 and yeah u could be a walking encyclopedia


  8. Beautiful photos! Loved reading this post 🙂


  9. you do look like you were having a fun time, Ren. it must be the food and being with people who are our ancestors, hahaha. 🙂 you look well in the red blouse, dear. ^^

    ay, one thing, did you notice – Spanish people usually wear striking colors? yes, and their houses and buildings are in strong colors, too. say, they are passionate, indeed… hello, Ren… summer na rito, kapatid. regards 🙂


    • They do. They like colors !
      And Ate, we eat the same food, and the taste is the same.


      • true. may time before na na-fascinate talaga ako sa Spanish culture, hihi… talaga, their paella tastes like our paella? hmn, very likely… there’s this restaurant here – Alba’s where you can dine on Spanish cuisine all you like, mukhang mga Espanol and half-Spanish rin halos lahat ng pumupunta, can hear them talk and cuss in Spanish, too… 😉 🙂
        hello, Ren, thanks for the visit…


        • Ah, Ate, yung paella , they use real saffron. here in the US, real saffron is like $14, about 4 tbsps lang yata ang laman, so we still use tomato sauce for the color wven here in the US. So except the tomato sauce, it looks like the ingredients are the same.

          My grandmother taught Spanish in college there in the Philippines. She tried conversing to us kids in Spanish. I can only remember, ” ren , ven aqui. ” ha ha ha Everytime we went to their clan reunions, that was the language I heard. Ate, you know that actor Subas herrero ? He’s a close relative.


  10. I love Spain, and have been to it quite a few times. I’ve always been a massive fan of your tour posts. Your lovely infectious enthusiasm is a joy to behold, and the photographs really bring the whole thing to life. Never mind real life… I should just keep touring for as long as you can.


    • You’re lucky you are already there, in Europe I mean ! I’m thousands of miles away. You’re so lucky. You can just motor off to Italy, France, to so many countries in Europe.
      By the way, I love to go back to UK. ( Ireland, Wales, Scotland ) I will save up for this tour.


  11. did you draw the b&w comic strip yourself? galeng ah…


  12. Oooo, Spain looked lovely– and TASTY! Yum!!! Thanks for sharing the great pictures 🙂

    My kids love manga, especially Aaron; his favorite is One Piece. They go with their mom and aunt to Odakon in Baltimore every year, dress up and everything 🙂


    • ha ha ha ! Your kid cosplay? he can tell you why he loves mangas… oh, One Piece is good ! I bet he loves animes, too.

      Cheers, Ben !


      • Yeah, he’s watched the One Piece anime too, loves it! Their aunt — who’s quite a bit younger than their mom and me — is really into anime and manga, and she kinda got the kids hooked and then their mom too, so for the past three years they’ve made the pilgrimage to Odakon. The first year Aaron dressed up as Ash from Pokemon (along with a large Pikachu stuffy) and got TONS of people taking pictures of him 🙂


        • Ahahaha ! Wait , is it Odakon or Otakun?

          Awww ! You could post a photo of your son as Ash !


          • Ah shoot– I didn’t know there were two different festivals! It’s the one they hold in Baltimore sometime in May I believe.

            I’d love to post pics of my kids, but my ex is quite paranoid about putting our kids pictures on the internet. I do have some on Facebook where I can control who sees them to just friends. If you wanna be fB friends let me know, I’ll tell you how to find me.


            • Whoa ! ! No, don’t post ! !

              I understand about the paranoia. aaargh ! I’ve been to an anime convention 2x, so more or less, I have an idea, ha ha.

          • I’ve got some pictures too of my kids doing traditional Filipino dance… their mom’s Catholic, and they go to a Catholic primary school, and there’s quite a few Filipino kids who go there too… every year they have the Filipino Festival at the school, but there aren’t quite enough Filipino kids to do all the dance routines, so they recruit other kids to do it, and my kids join right in! So cute 🙂


  13. Renxkyoko, thank you for stopping and liking a post today. You have great imagery on this page. The food looked incredible. I look forward to following your blog.

    Take care,



  14. So much beauty! Beautiful travels, beautiful pictures, beautiful food, beautiful everything! Thank you for sharing!!!


  15. Posted by bluefiadiarries on March 21, 2013 at 4:56 am

    Hey,I haven’t heard about that Skip Beat..but I’m an anime lover. I think I can also love that one. Have you watch Special-A Class? That one made me cry and it’s my all time favorite. Even if I watch it over and over again,I still get the same feeling like the first time.

    I also hope to travel Europe,Oh will be a dream of a life time! 🙂


  16. Posted by Tatsat on March 21, 2013 at 7:44 am

    Did you just say “squid soup dish that included the ink” ? :O I think I am going to need a food-guide whenever I travel Europe 😉 I don’t even eat chicken 😦 and as you can imagine, I have a hard time at public gatherings because there isn’t much for the vegetarians (((((

    But I do like fish, so maybe that will ease the pain a bit 😛

    I have heard of this dance. A friend from Germany was here and I asked her for dance lessons. Over the numerous conversations, she told me about this dance that you watched. Seems like we have a new entry in our bucket list 🙂

    I like the cartoons that you put up- they are expressive, I have to give you that. I should definitely check it out some day. Some day when the world has a bit of time for themselves…you know 🙂


    • Tatsat, bad news. I never encountered fish in Europe. But you can eat pasta. there’s no meat in their pastas… just pasta sauce, red or white. ( It drove me up the wall. I’m an Ameican carnivorous, he he) )

      Flamenco is such a passionate dance. I’m sure you would be in awe. That;s something you should not miss in Spain.


  17. You need a reality show, cutie!
    You could rock the Discovery Channel…


  18. I love to start reading your blog post without the slightest idea about where it will take me. This time it included both manga and Spain, -brilliant! I agree about the Spanish food. It must be some of the best food you can get in Europe:)


  19. I haven’t been to Spain yet. 😦 But I will soon, I hope. Great photos, very entertaining.


  20. The great part of your sweet, memorable tour !
    It is amazing indeed !
    if you are interested I can/you can re post it on my blogspot blog.You tell me is it possible ? if not interested , no problem at all!
    This is very sweet post like all of your other charming posts!
    All the best for your next post 😀
    Have a great day 😀


  21. Posted by melanietoulouse on March 22, 2013 at 7:57 am

    Hola que tal de Tolosa-Toulouse, Francia, 3h-drive from Barcelona, olé! 🙂
    “Old Europe” rules and rocks! 🙂
    – – –
    Have a great weekend and good luck in all your endeavours! 🙂


  22. Thank you for stopping by, melanie ! Wish i had seen Toulouse. My next posts will be France. Hope you can find time to read the posts ! Nice to meet you.

    Salud ! Sante!


  23. Wow! I seem to have come to the right place.

    Let me explain. I with my family plan to go for a week’s vacation to Spain in mid- May. I should be landing into Madrid . Could you guide me about what all I should do and where all I could go? The itinerary should not be too hectic.

    Love to hear from you. I found this post wonderful.



    • hello, Shakti Ghosal !

      Unfortunately I couldn’t give you any useful guide. It was a guided tour and everything was taken cared of, food and accomodations, places to go, etc. In every hotel we went to, though, there was always a guided tour at the hotel. You can inquire about them when you check in. Of course you need to go to Toledo, museums in madrid, barcelona. We stayed in Spain for 6 days, and it wasn’t enough. If you don’t join a tour, one week won’t be enough. A lot of your hours will be spent on the road.


  24. Beautiful photos as always. You like manga? That just makes you more cool. I’m not a fan of manga myself, but I enjoy American comics, two expressions of the same artform.


    • Yes, I do, Smaktakula. There are some mangas i think you will enjoy. They have garnered rave reviews too, like “Monster ” and Graveyard of the Fireflies. I love animes too. Do you know there are mangas written by Americans, but drawings are being done by Japanese illustratrators? They sell more worldwide. The illustrations have an Asian look to it. I heard too that there is now a genre in American comic world that looks and feels like japanese manga ( Amerimangas),

      he he he…. that;s so geeky of me.


  25. Nice photos. Let me know if you ever come through Chicago and thanks for reading my blog!


  26. Posted by jakesprinter on March 25, 2013 at 1:11 am

    Beautiful post ,great photography my friend 🙂


  27. Awesome Photo , Great Post


  28. wow – eclectic at its’ best – jam packed full of things to think about – now to digest!


  29. ha ha ha I know, huh ! It’s become my style, unintentionally.

    Thanks for visiting, oldironhoss. Cheers !


  30. Nice Party Pic.


    • It’s excellent ! And oh my gosh, the introduction ! ! Land of Fun, may i use the intro sometime? I’m not sure if I’ll do that, but just in case y’know? Also, I’ll give the link to your blogsite.


      • Of course , you can use my friend !
        Use any thing you like from my blogs !
        You are one of my so talented friend indeed 😀
        I want to say something more 😀
        Can you kindly allow me to post more posts from your to mine blog ? (if you have no prob, choice is yours ) , I’ll respect you and your opinion always !
        Can you Follow my blog there too, It will be an honor for me ?
        Have a wonderful and successful time ever !
        Take care , be happy and keep smiling 😀


        • Oh, I missed this ! !

          Yes, you can, Land of Fun !

          Oh, wait, I’m not sure if I followed your other blogsite ! I’ll go there and check .


      • Thank you so much you liked the way I posted your valued article 😀
        Your work is always Amazing 😀


  31. Very well written – and excellent photos, very well captured… 🙂


  32. Too cool. Now if only I could travel as much as you and see the world like that, I would be set! Oh and flamenco dancers…how do they do it?!?


  33. Posted by supernova on April 2, 2013 at 7:08 pm

    Hi Ren, oh the classical buildings of Spain! You all look like you had a great time, great photo’s of you all! My mouth watered at the sight of all that tasty looking food. Here’s to your next trip, Ren. Hope your exams went OK.
    Cheers Ren, regards James 🙂


    • You’re from England, right? I love London ! ! I want to go back there, and see the countryside. We didn’t see much of London. We were there for only 2 days. ( although I did get to see King’s Cross Station… and have photos to prove I was there ! That’s been my dream since I was a kid and a fan of Harry Potter books. )

      Exams okay, thank you .

      Cheers, james !


      • Posted by supernova on April 3, 2013 at 6:57 am

        Hi Ren, yes I’m from England. If you manage to get here on holiday try to see the lake district, the scenery is stunning! There are lots of other places too, like stone henge, the peak district, the Yorkshire dales and lots of places on the coast.
        Speak soon, regards James 🙂


  34. Lovely red shirt. I saw all lady dancers in red. You should dance too, Ren.


    • I wanted to dance, yes ! Their enthusiasm was so infectious. Oh, and thank you for the compliment. I like that red shirt, too. It’s so comfy.


  35. Posted by Kyle Bedard on April 4, 2013 at 6:51 pm

    I am really impressed by how much traffic comes in and out from your blog! You have quite the following! Kudos to you!


  36. awesome pics and loved to travel there with you using this post dear…excellent work 🙂


    • Oh, hey, thanks ! I wish I could travel too with someone like you, an adventurer and a first class traveller ! ( I was an awkward one, following the tour guide, and taking equally awkward photos. ha ha ha )


  37. awesome pics


  38. Posted by Ajaytao2010 on May 22, 2013 at 5:42 am

    beautiful pictures


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