Breaking my silence, but not enough

Hello, there !  Renxkyoko Iglesias here.


I haven’t done any blog reading ….. well, maybe 10 blogs a day this week, and these last 2 days, none at all……, and Cassie, MBBBF,  can attest to this. I haven’t been feeling well these last few days that even my boss had to let me go home  ( bad timing,  there was no one to take my shift so my boss had to do my work ) .  My cough sounded terrible , , my eyes were watery, my joints hurt, and though I had a slight fever, my hands and feet were icy cold. Weird.   Last Wednesday, I was called for a jury duty. I went despite being sick, and hoped the judge wouldn’t select me. I  usually don’t get selected because of my father’s job.  He works with law enforcement, and no, he’s not a cop nor a warden, ^_^”.  We get asked about this stuff,  so, I was sure  the defendant’s attorneys would eliminate me, assuming wrongly  there was  going to be some bias against his client.  Sure enough, I was sent home, thank goodness.  This is not always the case though , because my sister was selected  to be a juror despite the personal info.  Why was she selected ?  Well,  99 % of the people who were asked by the judge  gave the wrong answer. My sister was the only one who got it right. Okay, so the judge asked each potential juror  whether the defendant present in this court  was guilty or not.  Everyone answered they didn’t know……. my sister was the only who said the defendant was innocent.  And folks, that’s how it should be… innocent until proven guilty .


Another thing……. US Attorney General  Jeff Sessions just scrapped  the commission established by the Department of Justice and  the National Institute of Science and Technology  to engage independent forensic experts to improve the reliability and authenticity of forensic evidences .  Sessions scrapped this… these “meddling  scientists “, he said.  He said he would instead just get an in-house adviser.  Folks, I have a college degree in Forensics Biology, specializing in DNA Analysis,  and even if I know that Forensics analysis  is the most reliable evidence by far,  this cannot be attained with garbage evidence .  ( contaminated , etc. ) We have to be sure that the person we are sending to the gallows is  truly guilty.  Now, don’t ask me if I’m pro- death penalty  or anti.


I haven’t made any political statements for quite a while.  I ‘m so overwhelmed by the almost daily  screw-ups coming from the White House….. oh,  pardon me, from Mar-a Lago…. that I ‘ve decided to zone everything out.  I mean, that guy spent 25 days of his first 100 days golfing on his   resorts and visiting his other properties. Meanwhile , taxpayers spend  $ 3 M each time he stays at Mar-aLago, not to mention the $$$$$$  the government spends to maintain his New York’s Trump Tower, because Melania lives there.  Add the $$$$$ we spend every time his sons go abroad on private business. (  Hey, first family is protected everywhere they go, right ? )


Of course, these are just small , shallow corruption issues.  What I should be more concerned about is the abolishment of  the Environmental  Protection Agency ( EPA ) , Department of  Education, the repeal/rejection of Affordable Health Care Act ,  defunding of all agencies that take care of the needs of  the people…. ( Meals on Wheels, PBS subsidies,  Sesame Street, the arts ).Meanwhile , that man  is so ready and eager to make tax cuts for the rich.


[  …………  ]





I wish .


Okay, this is it for now.  Check out my anime/manga /video games blogsite at



56 responses to this post.

  1. Hope you feel better soon . . . and hope that’s a pleasant outing at the beach and that you’re not living in a cave now.

    As for politics . . . living in a cave is good; you get to miss all the crud on TV.


    • He he That’s what my mother calls my bedroom, a cave. I have TV in my room ( and Dish Network ) but I don’t watch cable anymore, just Netflix and Hulu. I get current news from Internet. I did watch the news about North Korea. That was dangerous ! !


  2. Now that’s a place I just want to doze off…. An ideal getaway


  3. Posted by The Twentysomething Social Recluse on April 29, 2017 at 7:49 am

    Hope you are feeling better soon! I feel like Donald Trump being President is like a South Park joke…except it is real D:


  4. Hope you feel better soon! 💕


  5. I hope you are feeling better now. Corruptions is an issue even in first world countries like the US. It’s also a problem that kills our own country


    • There is corruption even here in the US, but I believe the buck really stops at the Oval Office……. but not under this President, for the first time in US History.


  6. Posted by Cassidy Frazee on April 29, 2017 at 12:08 pm

    Sessions is still upset that forensics nailed those Klan guys long ago. He wants to make sure it doesn’t happen again.


    • Also, he heartily approved of that clown’s one page ad denouncing the release of the 5 people ( who were teens then when they were arrested ) who were wrongly accused in the brutal rape of a jogger, and when a serial rapist /murderer who was already in jail confessed to the crime and whose DNA matched the DNA found in the woman’s ….. , the so called Cental Park 5 were released ( their DNA’s didn’t match either )……that clown at the White House put out an ad that even stated they were guilty and should be put to death. This clown is dangerously crazy and Sessions heartily approved. No wonder he wants forensics evidence taken out, especially exculpatory evidences.


  7. I hope you feel better 🌸🌺🤗
    Seriously does Trump hire these idiots to make him look smarter? It is like the US is going backwards instead forward!
    Maybe staying in a cave is good, then you don’t have to see the idiots ruin the country
    I am jealous you were on a beach chilling and relaxing 😎
    I want to be on a beach!


  8. Posted by The Otaku Judge on April 29, 2017 at 4:18 pm

    Get well soon. I have been called for jury duty twice in my life, but neither time have I been selected. The trick is to turn up wearing a Punisher shirt.


  9. AG Sessions did not inspire confidence in me with his remark that he was amazed that a federal judge on some island in the Pacific could block Trump’s order. Leaving aside the gratuitous slight of Hawaii, it would be nice if the AG knew how the federal court system worked and respected the process. But, no.
    Hope you get that visit to the beach soon. We have some really nice beaches in Michigan, but Great Lakes water not warm enough for swimming until mid June at least. And then there’s Lake Superior, which is never warm enough.


    • Yikes ! That too. It’s surreal.

      I don’t know how I’ll get through 4 more years of this . I wish I didn’t care about politics. and the profound effect of these politicians’ decisions on the fate of this country. I’d be a happy camper.


  10. I saw something the other day that said we’ve made it through 6% of his term. I can’t even. I just can’t even. Every day is an assault on the country.


  11. Have you seen a doctor? I had whooping cough last year. Passed it on to half my family. Took two months to get over it… Seriously. If you haven’t, see a doc. And congrats to your sister. Innocent until proven otherwise.
    Hope you get better soon.


    • I feel so much better now, thank you. Believe it or not, I didn’t take any medicine. I drank plenty of juice with lots of Vit. C, rested and did nothing but sleep, one for 12 hours , straight. Today, there are no more sniffles, with only an occasional cough.

      I haven’t read anything new about the political situation in France. I hope all turns out well.


      • So it wasn’t whooping cough, then. Sleeping it off is the best remedy. Happened more than once when we lived in Africa. You’d get a fever, sleep it off (with quinine sometimes) and voilà.
        About France, it seems Macron is loosing points… But hopefully, the gap is still strong. Fingers crossed. (Thank you for your concern)


  12. Glad to read you’re feeling better in terms of your health. Unfortunately no relief from those other worries caused by you-know-who you-know-where but four years only seems like a long time. ‘Cause a lot of damage can be done in that time but the real culprits are those who support him.


    • Yes, they are the real culprits. It’s tragic.

      Four years is a looong time. Within 100 days, he has already issued so many executive orders, right and left, dismantling all the good things that have been put in place by his predecessors…. clean water and air, protection of our natural resources, predatory practices of banks, etc., etc., etc….. It’s a scorched earth policy that is totally supported by his officials . I wonder how historians will explain this phenomenon. But then , this is nothing new, isn’t it ? Nazism in Germany.


      • The US has gone through these periods before. Look at the witch hunts of the House of UnAmerican Activities and the continual problems of race in the country. The real problem is the prejudices and regressive thinking of his supporters are now empowered by his election and though he may be gone after four years, they won’t be.


        • Oh, right… McCarthyism.

          And race problems. We’re blessed that we live here in California, where racists cannot afford to be openly racist, ha ha.

          Yes. Racists are now empowered, emboldened, and ennabled.


  13. wishing you peace


  14. Get well soon Ren. sorry t hear about your president. I think D is worse than him.


    • Ms. Arlene, that goes without sayin’. At least that man at the White House hasn’t ordered extra – judicial killings , yet. ….. althought he might start WW3, a nuclear war. We’re on the same bat, Tita. May I call you Tita ?


  15. Excellent post! Yes, it is nearly impossible to keep up with the daily gaffes of Trump & Co, and after a while it becomes rather depressing. But, we must keep making our voices heard, and you did a great job! I do hope you are feeling better!


    • Thank you.

      The only time I sat up and paid close attention ( got scared ) was during this North Korean gaffe. This guy was confronting an equally crazy one and who knew what would happen. I have been watching ( mostly from You Tube ), almost obssesibly, may I add , anything on North Korea for over a year now. That country and the people of NK are unreal.


      • Yes, it is a battle between two madmen and how it will end is anybody’s guess. Hopefully, the few ‘cooler heads’ that have some pull, Generals McMaster & Mattis, will prevail.


  16. Good Post! I hope you get well super soon! Light and love, Shona


  17. I hope you feel better soon.


  18. Lawmakers are running…amuck. I sometimes wonder why we bother to lookup the news.


    • I’ve always blamed the media…. from Day One. As the CEO of NBC arrogantly said more than a year ago, that guy is good for the ratings. Can you imagine the ratings all the news outlets will get if that guy starts WW3 ?


  19. Sorry you’re feeling so rotten – I hope you’re all well now 🙂 Also sorry about that guy in the big white house – we’re all very worried about it over here too. I kinda wish he was doing less though – like nothing at all! Everything he does makes me want to hug my family tighter and tell them I love them… :-/


    • OMG I’m really sorry about That Guy. The world is now in danger because of our politics here in the US. We are still reeling from the aftermath. It’s surreal.


  20. Welcome back and I’m sorry you felt bad. Happy to hear your rant because I concur.


  21. Get well soon!


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